Migration is a constant in human history and is laden with cultural implications. In virtually any locale the movement in of people has occurred, but these migrations are not always at the forefront of the historical memory of a place. In this course students will investigate migration into the community or communities surrounding their campus. Once an in-migration group is identified the students will work to discover the cultural contributions brought to bear on their communities. This movement may have happened at any time in the community’s history. By thinking creatively and broadly students will find groups in their regions and identify the contributions of those one-time newcomers to the life and culture in those places.. Students are asked to consider how migrant culture broadly defined may have influenced music, culinary traditions, labor relations, craft and art, agriculture, architecture, or religion. By bringing to life these stories the students’ Crossroads projects will rescue forgotten local history from obscurity.

Alvis Dunn, Assistant Professor of History — UNC Asheville

Leland Turner, Associate Professor of History — Midwestern State University

Media Credits for the Course Flyer

Crossroad [icon ID 440023]. Created by Artem Kovyazin (Road Collection). Downloaded from thenounproject.com, https://thenounproject.com/icon/440023/ (PNG format). CC BY 3.0 US.

Lecture [icon ID 693185]. Created by icon 54 (Back to school - Solid Icon Collection). Downloaded from thenounproject.com, https://thenounproject.com/icon/693185/ (PNG format). CC BY 3.0 US.

Street [icon ID 374419]. Created by Juan Pablo Bravo (Streets & roads Collection). Downloaded from thenounproject.com, https://thenounproject.com/icon/374419/ (PNG format). CC BY 3.0 US. Modified and colored by Leah Tams.