Let's take a step-by-step tour through your WordPress site and see how the different functions work so you can make your new site the best for your project and course. (Note: This tutorial is geared toward COPLACDigital faculty. It will still be useful for students, but the walkthroughs and details may be slightly different.)

Begin by logging in to the administration area, or the "back end," as we will call it, of your website. You can get to the login page simply by adding /wp-admin to the end of your site's URL. For example:

  • slug.coplacdigital.org/wp-admin (replacing "slug" with your course's actual slug) would be the login page for your class' overarching project site
  • slug.coplacdigital.org/course/wp-admin (replacing "slug" with your course's actual slug) would be the login page for your class' course site

After logging in, you are in the main administration area called the Dashboard. This is the brain behind your website and where the organization of your site begins.

Note: Since we are using WordPress Multisite, once you have logged in to one of your sites, you can easily switch between their back ends by hovering over "My Sites" in the top left-hand corner. When you hover over it, it will list the sites within your class's multisite network that you have access to (which should just be your course site and project site).