Why do people migrate? Where do they go? What risks and rewards do people face when they are on the move? What are the challenges and benefits for places of reception? How does migration transform individuals, families, and towns? What can we learn about the living history of migration by collecting oral histories? These are some of the questions we will explore in this course. Our goal is to bring together a small group of students from public liberal arts campuses across North America to form a collective—an oral history collective in which students record the migration stories of their campuses' communities, using their voices to document experiences and impacts of migration. And, we will be sharing these narratives online so that they may be accessed beyond the borders of universities, individual towns, and even nation-states.

Michelle Bettencourt, Associate Professor of Spanish — UNC Asheville

Olivia Donaldson, Assistant Professor of French and International & Global Studies — University of Maine at Farmington

Media Credits for the Course Flyer

Briefcase [icon ID 28952]. Created by Diego Naive. Downloaded from thenounproject.com, https://thenounproject.com/icon/28952/ (PNG format). CC BY 3.0 US. Colored by Leah Tams.

Microphone [icon ID 6083]. Created by Luis Prado. Downloaded from thenounproject.com, https://thenounproject.com/icon/6083/ (PNG format). CC0 1.0.

Speech Bubble [icon ID 927378]. Created by iconosphere (Populars Collection). Downloaded from thenounproject.com, https://thenounproject.com/icon/927378/. CC BY 3.0 US.